I am so excited to be on the mainland again because I can actually use the projects that I attempt to create. I've made myself a little red scarf and I'm working on a longer version in black for Will. We got excited about wearing scarves in New Zealand when we saw the Irish movie, "Once." So, I unpacked my needles and got started on my first scarf. I actually produced something wearable! It wasn't too big or too small and I only had to consult You Tube once...(for the end part). Now, all juiced on the success of my first project I started reading some blogs about knitting and got a couple of pattern books from the library. Maybe I'll try to make my Christmas gifts this year. I must confess that am a little nervous about tackling patterns without my mom's assistance. I got a book that helps translate all the knitting short-hand and gives pictures on how to do particular stitches. Thank God for You Tube instructional videos too! They show you the stitches in action, so hopefully all that will give me sufficient help. I know it won't come close to my mommy's level of help...but maybe it will make me a more independent knitter.

I am really excited about working on these skills before I go to New Zealand and get to meet the thread in-animal (instead of in-person). I was looking at some possible farm hand jobs in Hawke's Bay and I found some farms that keep sheep. Wouldn't that be cool to be able to help raise, sheer, and spin my own wool? I figure I have a limited time before I develop the allergy to wool...so might as well get as much of it as I can now.
That's all for me, now...keep posted for more later :)
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