Wednesday, September 15, 2010

French...I am not.

So, I read the book and logged all my intakes (food/wine/etc.) for the week.  I even whipped up a batch of Dr. Miracle's Leek Soup.  Which by the way, is not really a soup.  It's a broth.  All it called for was 2 pounds of leeks and water.  Linda and I scooped up some leeks out of the garden, and we decided that it couldn't hurt to add a couple of other veggies to bump up the flavor.  So I added carrots, mushrooms, and added a little chicken stock to the water.  The soup was quite tasty.  I drank the broth in the morning and headed out for weeding duty in the berry patch.

Well, after an hour or so...I was STARVED!  I justified my eating some of the veggies with the broth for lunch since I had worked out.  I figured that there can't be many calories in carrots, leeks, and mushrooms.  As I was reheating my soup I was craving some protein...and Will was eating this delish chicken I plopped a couple of slivers of chicken into the soup.  Oops!  Again, I told myself that a little grilled chicken is quite harmless.

However, as 6 o'clock rolls around and dinner is filling the house with aromas that are so sinful; I cave.  So after about 5 or 6 hours of being "somewhat French" my time as a Parisian is over.  I think I'll just try to play by the French rules another day...or, maybe not.

My mom tells me there's a better book called "Japanese Women Don't Get Fat or Old."  Maybe I need to read that one, since I have half the genes to help me through that diet ; )  Thanks Mommers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wasn't it awesome when we were swimming all the time?! We were both so trim. I think that extra ten pounds was because we grew out of a 25 year old's metabolism. Keep strong! and eat lots of quinoa. I learned that its a perfect protein, because its a carb and a protien at the same time. Thus filling you up better than rice
